When you want to buy a new laptop, it is very important to keep in mind the very reason or purpose you have for buying one. You must first consider how the laptop would be used, would it be for office use, home use or for mobile gaming. It is not very likely to buy a laptop that’s intended for home use and use it for gaming. There are many things you need to consider before buying the laptop that you have chosen.

Screen Size:

Laptops come with several different screen sizes, from the small 9” laptops to the bigger 21” ones. You also need to decide which laptop you need for your specific purpose. The suggested size is 15" as this is big enough in most cases.


Always be sure you get a laptop that has both Wireless and Bluetooth capabilities. As you will probably be moving from one place to another, and having this two capabilities will make connecting to other machines easier.


Depending on your intended use for the laptop, you will probably need bigger RAM. Since RAM is becoming rather cheap nowadays it is pretty much advisable to get ones with at least 2GB to keep your laptop at optimum performance.


Another very important thing to consider when buying a new laptop is the size of the storage device or hard drive. If you intend to keep a lot of files on the laptop, it is best to get a laptop with bigger hard drives of at least 120GB, or if not try invest in for an external storage that you can use when needed.

Processing Power:

Processing power is the most important thing to consider when buying a new laptop, the best thing is to do is to opt for something fast and consumes lesser power, so as to keep heat at a minimum and performance at best.

Display adapter or Video Card:

The choice for the right video cards are very important for people who intend to use their respective laptops for gaming or graphic editing as this part is responsible for providing you with better graphics handling capabilities.

There are quite several things that one needs to consider when planning to buy a new laptop. It is very important to choose one that matches your needs perfectly so as not to waste money especially during these days of financial crisis. Always make sure to go for a laptop manufacturer who provides excellent after sales service as this is very important specially when you are having trouble with the unit that you bought from them.